Aunque desde el punto de vista físico un condensador no almacena carga ni corriente eléctrica, sino simplemente energía mecánica latente; al ser introducido en un circuito se comporta en la práctica como capaz de almacenar la energía eléctrica que recibe durante la carga, a la vez que la cede de igual forma durante la descarga .
A capacitor or (called in English capacitor, which name is also frequently known in the field of electronics and other branches of applied physics), is a passive device, used enelectricidad and electronics, energy storage capable of sustaining a field electric. Is formed by a pair of conductive surfaces, usually in the form of sheets or plates, in a situation of total effect (ie, that all electrical field lines will start from a stop to the other) separated by a dielectric or by the vacuum. Plates subjected to a potential difference, acquire a certain electric charge, positive and negative one in the other, being zero the variation of total load.
Although from the physical point of view does not hold a charge a capacitor or power, but merely latent mechanical energy, to be introduced into a circuit behaves in practice as capable of storing electrical energy received during loading, while the yields in the same way during unloading.
A capacitor or (called in English capacitor, which name is also frequently known in the field of electronics and other branches of applied physics), is a passive device, used enelectricidad and electronics, energy storage capable of sustaining a field electric. Is formed by a pair of conductive surfaces, usually in the form of sheets or plates, in a situation of total effect (ie, that all electrical field lines will start from a stop to the other) separated by a dielectric or by the vacuum. Plates subjected to a potential difference, acquire a certain electric charge, positive and negative one in the other, being zero the variation of total load.
Although from the physical point of view does not hold a charge a capacitor or power, but merely latent mechanical energy, to be introduced into a circuit behaves in practice as capable of storing electrical energy received during loading, while the yields in the same way during unloading.
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