El transformador es un dispositivo que convierte la energía eléctrica alterna de un cierto nivel de tensión, en energía alterna de otro nivel de tensión, por medio de interacción electromagnética. Está constituido por dos o más bobinas de material conductor, aisladas entre sí eléctricamente y por lo general enrolladas alrededor de un mismo núcleo de material ferromagnético. La única conexión entre las bobinas la constituye el flujo magnético común que se establece en el núcleo.
Los transformadores son dispositivos basados en el fenómeno de la inducción electromagnética y están constituidos, en su forma más simple, por dos bobinas devanadas sobre un núcleo cerrado, fabricado bien sea de hierro dulce o de láminas apiladas de acero eléctrico, aleación apropiada para optimizar el flujo magnético. Las bobinas o devanados se denominan primario y secundario según correspondan a la entrada o salida del sistema en cuestión, respectivamente. También existen transformadores con más devanados; en este caso, puede existir un devanado "terciario", de menor tensión que el secundario.
Is called transformer or current transformer (short), to an electrical device that allows to increase or decrease the tension in an AC electrical circuit, maintaining the frequency. The power entering the computer, in the case of an ideal transformer (ie, no losses), is equal to that obtained at the output. The actual machines have a small percentage losses, depending on its design, size, etc..
The transformer is a device that converts AC electrical power from a certain voltage level, in another alternate power voltage level, by means of electromagnetic interaction. Comprises two or more coils of conductive material electrically insulated from each other and usually wound around a same core of ferromagnetic material. The only connection between the coils is the common magnetic flux is established in the core.
Transformers are devices based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction and are constituted, in its simplest form, two coils wound on a closed core, made either of soft iron or stacked sheets of electrical steel, alloy appropriate to optimize the magnetic flux. The coils or windings are called primary and secondary as they apply to entering or leaving the system in question, respectively. There are also more windings transformers, in this case, there may be a winding "tertiary", smaller than the secondary voltage.
Is called transformer or current transformer (short), to an electrical device that allows to increase or decrease the tension in an AC electrical circuit, maintaining the frequency. The power entering the computer, in the case of an ideal transformer (ie, no losses), is equal to that obtained at the output. The actual machines have a small percentage losses, depending on its design, size, etc..
The transformer is a device that converts AC electrical power from a certain voltage level, in another alternate power voltage level, by means of electromagnetic interaction. Comprises two or more coils of conductive material electrically insulated from each other and usually wound around a same core of ferromagnetic material. The only connection between the coils is the common magnetic flux is established in the core.
Transformers are devices based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction and are constituted, in its simplest form, two coils wound on a closed core, made either of soft iron or stacked sheets of electrical steel, alloy appropriate to optimize the magnetic flux. The coils or windings are called primary and secondary as they apply to entering or leaving the system in question, respectively. There are also more windings transformers, in this case, there may be a winding "tertiary", smaller than the secondary voltage.
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